Fired when a contact is subscribed to a message
{ "type": "subscribe", "id": 1572373769.6149, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "survey_id": "1", "channel": "Email", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_SUBSCRIBE", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fired when a contact is unsubscribed from a message
{ "type": "unsubscribe", "id": 1572373769.6173, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "survey_id": "1", "channel": "Email", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_UNSUBSCRIBE", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a contact is suppressed
{ "type": "global_unsubscribe", "campaignId": null, "id": 1572373769.6189, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_GLOBAL_UNSUBSCRIBE", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a contact is reactivated
{ "type": "reactivated", "campaignId": null, "id": 1572373769.6192, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_REACTIVATED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a contact is updated
{ "type": "profile_update", "id": 1572373769.6194, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "updated_fields": "{\"1\":\"[email protected]\"}", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_PROFILE_UPDATE", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a message to a contact bounces
{ "type": "bounced", "id": 1572373769.6197, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "survey_id": "1", "channel": "Email", "reason": null, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_BOUNCED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a contact email address is changed
{ "type": "email_changed", "id": 1572373769.6206, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "old_email": null, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_EMAIL_CHANGED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fired when a message is opened
{ "type": "opened", "id": 1572373769.6208, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "survey_id": "1", "channel": "Email", "opened_at": "2019-10-29 18:29:29", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_OPENED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fired when a link is clicked in message
{ "type": "clicked", "id": 1572373769.6216, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "survey_id": "1", "channel": "Email", "click_url": "https:\/\/", "url_id": 1, "clicked_on": "2019-10-29 13:29:29", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_CLICKED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a survey is created
{ "type": "survey_created", "survey_id": "1", "survey_status": "active", "survey_type": "survey", "tags": "[{\"tagId\":1,\"name\":\"My Tag\"}]", "id": 1572373769.6228, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_SURVEY_CREATED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a survey is deleted
{ "type": "survey_deleted", "survey_id": "1", "survey_status": "active", "survey_type": "survey", "tags": "[{\"tagId\":1,\"name\":\"My Tag\"}]", "id": 1572373769.6231, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_SURVEY_DELETED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a surveys status has changed (started, stopped and completed)
{ "type": "survey_status_changed", "old_status": "active", "new_status": "complete", "survey_id": "1", "survey_status": "active", "survey_type": "survey", "tags": "[{\"tagId\":1,\"name\":\"My Tag\"}]", "id": 1572373769.6234, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_SURVEY_STATUS_CHANGED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a response is changed. It will contain the answers given in a response.
{ "type": "response_changed", "response": { "responseId": 1, "ipAddress": "UNKNOWN", "responseStart": "2019-09-03 18:44:52", "responseComplete": "2019-09-03 18:44:53", "isComplete": true, "contactId": 1, "contactEmail": "[email protected]", "personCode": null, "1": { "response": { "choiceId": null, "responseValue": "10" }, "questionText": "How likely are you to recommend ACME to a friend or colleague?<\/p>", "questionId": 1, "questionTypeId": "15", "questionType": "netPromoter", "token": null, "isRequired": false }, "urlVariables": { "myurlvariable": { "name": "myurlvariable", "label": "myurlvariable", "value": null } } }, "sent": "2019-10-29 13:29:29", "survey_id": "1", "survey_status": "active", "survey_type": "survey", "tags": "[{\"tagId\":1,\"name\":\"My Tag\"}]", "id": 1572373769.6237, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_RESPONSE_CHANGED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a response is deleted
{ "type": "response_deleted", "responseId": 1, "sent": "2019-10-29 13:29:29", "survey_id": "1", "survey_status": "active", "survey_type": "survey", "tags": "[{\"tagId\":1,\"name\":\"My Tag\"}]", "id": 1572373769.6241, "email": "[email protected]", "status": "Active", "custom_fields": "{\"name\":null,\"phone\":null}", "ip_created": "", "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_RESPONSE_DELETED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a tag is created
{ "type": "tag_created", "tag_id": "1", "name": "My Tag", "id": 1572373769.6244, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_TAG_CREATED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a tag is changed
{ "type": "tag_changed", "tag_id": "1", "name": "My Tag", "id": 1572373769.6244, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_TAG_CHANGED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
Fires when a tag is deleted
{ "type": "tag_deleted", "tag_id": "1", "name": "My Tag", "id": 1572373769.6245, "client_id": "5967", "updated_via": "System", "ip": "", "action": "WEBHOOK_TAG_DELETED", "webhook_url": "https:\/\/\/endpoint", "webhook_key": "amazinglysecurekey" }
* Here’s an example Webhook Endpoint in PHP which receives the data and stores it in a
* CSV but it could just as easily go into the database of your choice.
// Verify the webhook origin by checking for the Webhook Key value you defined in SurveyTown
if( empty( $_REQUEST['key' ]) || $_REQUEST['key'] != "amazinglysecurekey" ){
// Look for the response_changed webhook event. Make sure the response is complete before processing.
$_REQUEST['type'] == "response_changed" and
! empty( $_REQUEST['response'] ) and
$_REQUEST['response']['isComplete'] == 1
$columns = false;
// Use a different CSV file for each survey
$filename = "survey_responses_{$_REQUEST['survey_id']}.csv";
// Create the CSV header if the file doesn't exist
if( ! file_exists( $filename ) ){
$columns = array(
"IP Address",
"Start Time",
"End Time"
// Add response meta data
$response = array(
// Loop through all the response data
foreach( $_REQUEST['response'] as $key => $res ){
// Questions will have integer keys
if( is_int( $key ) ){
// Handle multi value questions
if( isset( $res['responses'] ) ){
foreach( $res['responses'] as $choice => $value ){
if( $columns ){
$columns[] = strip_tags( $res['questionText'] ) . " ({$value['choiceText']})";
$response[] = $value['responseValue'];
// Handle single value questions
}elseif( isset( $res['response'] ) ){
if( $columns ){
$columns[] = strip_tags( $res['questionText'] );
$response[] = $res['response']['responseValue'];
// Open and write to the CSV
$fp = fopen( $filename, "a" );
if( $columns ){
fputcsv( $fp, $columns );
fputcsv( $fp, $response );
fclose( $fp );